Why Testing

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually-transmitted diseases. If you are sexually active, you should consider a test for chlamydia at home.

Chlamydia And Symptoms

Many individuals who have this STD do not experience any visible symptoms. If symptoms do occur, it can take weeks before they are noticeable.

However, common symptoms can mimic other, less serious conditions. As examples, burning during urination or a vaginal discharge may be mistaken for a minor urinary tract infection. This is why you should be tested, whether you have symptoms or not.

Chlamydia Is Risky To Others

Any person who has an STD can pass it on to others with whom they have sexual contact. As you do not want to harm your partners, testing is essential.

Women who have chlamydia can pass it on to their newborns. If you have chlamydia during pregnancy, normal childbirth can endanger your baby. Approximately 50% of babies born to infected mothers are born with this disease.

If untreated chlamydia leads to pelvic inflammatory disease, it can increase your risk of an ectopic pregnancy. This, in turn, will result in an early-term miscarriage.

Untreated chlamydia can lead to serious health issues. Both women and men can become infertile. Chlamydia also increases your risk of contracting HIV.

What You Can Do About This STD

Prevention is a sensible approach. If you are sexually active, always use a condom. If possible, limit your sexual relations to one monogamous partner who is not infected.

As it is impossible to know if you have already contracted this disease, you can take a smart step to protect your health. If you want to save time and money, you can test for chlamydia at home. All you need to do is purchase a kit with easy-to-follow instructions. It is completely confidential, and you can take the test in the privacy of your own home.

Depending on the test results, schedule a visit with your doctor. If you do have chlamydia, it is easy to cure with antibiotics. You do not want to risk any of the complications that can occur from an untreated STD. You can protect yourself and others by starting treatment immediately.

Your Health, Your Life, Your Choices

Abstinence from all sexual contact is the only sure way to never contract an STD. This does not mean you have no options for avoiding chlamydia if you are sexually active. You can protect yourself and stay safe.

If there is any possibility that you have contracted an STD, do not hesitate to be tested. Whether at home or in your doctor’s office, you will have fast results. If an easy-to-use test for chlamydia at home is your preference, it can be your first step to a lifetime of health.